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ABIM's Inaugural Investor Pitch Event: A Resounding Success

Oct 27, 2024

2 min read




Pam Marrone Invasive Species Control

ABIM recently celebrated the successful conclusion of its first-ever investor pitch event, where eleven pioneering agri-tech companies showcased their innovative solutions to a captivated audience of potential investors. The event, divided into two parts, highlighted groundbreaking technologies poised to drive the future of sustainable agriculture, ranging from seed treatment innovations to natural substances and advanced discovery platforms.

Early-Stage Companies Shine in Public Session

Held in the vibrant Auditorium Montreal, the public session featured five early-stage companies pitching their revolutionary ideas. Lucius Tamm, CEO of ABIM, and Haydyn Parry of, LettUs Grow, and PBL Technology opened the session, sharing their insights into what makes agri-tech start-ups successful.

  • Genomics4All (G4All): Eduardo Quemada presented this Spanish company’s Crop Microbial Dynamics (CMD) technology, which uses advanced genomics and AI to enhance crop performance by analyzing soil microbial communities, positioning G4All as a leader in agricultural genomics.

  • Invasive Species Corporation (ISC): Pam Marrone introduced ISC's biological control solutions for invasive species, including their product Zequanox® and the forthcoming Piscamycin, aimed at controlling invasive Asian carp.

  • Platypus: Represented by Gilad Yarkoni, Platypus develops PlatyForm, a delivery system for volatile bioactive compounds, with applications in sustainable pest management, antimicrobial packaging, and more.

  • Vensogrow: Caecilia Potter introduced this Australian company specializing in advanced seed coating technologies, with their flagship product BreezeCoat™ enhancing crop resilience and yields.

  • Hedera-22: Valérie Renard showcased Hedera-22’s AI-driven Natural Products Discovery platform, which identifies novel compounds for sustainable agricultural applications.

Closed-Door Series A Session Highlights Later-Stage Ventures

Guy Elitzur Ecophage

The closed-door session provided a platform for six advanced companies to present their cutting-edge technologies:

  • Ecophage: Guy Elitzur presented this Israeli company's use of bacteriophages to control bacterial diseases in crops.

  • Vital Fluid: Erik Hertel introduced their Plasma Activated Water (PAW) technology, offering a sustainable alternative to chemical pesticides.

  • APEO: Arnaud Malerbe showcased biopesticides derived from essential oils and plant extracts, driving innovation in sustainable weed and fungal control.

  • BioMosae: Alex Schmeets presented their work in developing active ingredients for biocontrols and biostimulants.

  • Antofénol: Fanny Rolet introduced their patented microwave extraction technology for eco-friendly biopesticides.

  • GroNatural: Benito Varela presented their high-performance bioinsecticides and biofertilizers, built on a patented microencapsulation platform.

Selection and Preparation

The eleven companies were rigorously selected through a stringent process, guided by a prestigious jury including Lucius Tamm, Jennifer Lewis, Cormac O’Cleirigh, and Haydyn Parry. Each company received mentorship from Accumont experts to refine their presentations and documentation.


ABIM’s inaugural investor pitch event was a resounding success, bringing together a diverse range of companies dedicated to transforming sustainable agriculture. These start-ups and later-stage ventures showcased innovations that will revolutionize how we grow and protect crops. We extend our gratitude to everyone who contributed to the event’s success and look forward to the partnerships and investments that will propel these companies forward in the agri-tech landscape.


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